The EMQ broker is cross-platform, which could be deployed on Linux, FreeBSD, Mac, Windows and even Raspberry Pi.
Linux, FreeBSD Recommended.
Download Packages¶
Download binary packages from: /downloads
The package name consists of platform, version and release time.
For example:
Installing on Linux¶
Download CentOS Package from: /downloads/latest/centos7, and then unzip:
Start the broker in console mode:
cd emqttd && ./bin/emqttd console
If the broker is started successfully, console will print:
starting emqttd on node 'emqttd@'
emqttd ctl is starting...[done]
emqttd trace is starting...[done]
emqttd pubsub is starting...[done]
emqttd stats is starting...[done]
emqttd metrics is starting...[done]
emqttd retainer is starting...[done]
emqttd pooler is starting...[done]
emqttd client manager is starting...[done]
emqttd session manager is starting...[done]
emqttd session supervisor is starting...[done]
emqttd broker is starting...[done]
emqttd alarm is starting...[done]
emqttd mod supervisor is starting...[done]
emqttd bridge supervisor is starting...[done]
emqttd access control is starting...[done]
emqttd system monitor is starting...[done]
http listen on with 4 acceptors.
mqtt listen on with 16 acceptors.
mqtts listen on with 4 acceptors.
http listen on with 4 acceptors.
Erlang MQTT Broker 2.0 is running now
Eshell V6.4 (abort with ^G)
CTRL+C to close the console and stop the broker.
Start the broker in daemon mode:
./bin/emqttd start
Check the running status of the broker:
$ ./bin/emqttd_ctl status
Node 'emqttd@' is started
emqttd 2.0 is running
Or check the status by URL:
Stop the broker:
./bin/emqttd stop
Install via RPM¶
Download the RPM packages:
CentOS6.8 | |
CentOS7 | |
Install the package:
rpm -ivh emqttd-centos7-v2.1.2-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm
Erlang/OTP R19 depends on lksctp-tools library
yum install lksctp-tools
Configuration, Data and Log Files:
/etc/emqttd/emq.conf | Configuration file for the EMQ Broker |
/etc/emqttd/plugins/*.conf | Configuration files for the EMQ Plugins |
/var/lib/emqttd/ | Data files |
/var/log/emqttd | Log files |
Start/Stop the broker:
systemctl start|stop|restart emqttd.service
Install via DEB¶
Download the DEB packages:
Install the package:
sudo dpkg -i emqttd-ubuntu16.04_v2.0_amd64.deb
Erlang/OTP R19 depends on lksctp-tools library
apt-get install lksctp-tools
Configuration, Data and Log Files:
/etc/emqttd/emq.conf | Configuration file for the EMQ Broker |
/etc/emqttd/plugins/*.conf | Configuration files for the EMQ Plugins |
/var/lib/emqttd/ | Data files |
/var/log/emqttd | Log files |
Start/Stop the broker:
service emqttd start|stop|restart
Installing on FreeBSD¶
Download FreeBSD Package from: /downloads/latest/freebsd
The installing process is same to Linux.
Installing on Mac OS X¶
We could install the broker on Mac OS X to develop and debug MQTT applications.
Download Mac Package from: /downloads/latest/macosx
Configure log level in etc/emq.conf, all MQTT messages recevied/sent will be printed on console:
## Console log. Enum: off, file, console, both
log.console = both
## Console log level. Enum: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency
log.console.level = debug
## Console log file
log.console.file = log/console.log
The install and boot process on Mac are same to Linux.
Installing on Windows¶
Download Package from: /downloads/latest/windows.
Unzip the package to install folder. Open the command line window and ‘cd’ to the folder.
Start the broker in console mode:
bin\emqttd console
If the broker started successfully, a Erlang console window will popup.
Close the console window and stop the emqttd broker. Prepare to register emqttd as window service.
Cannot register EMQ-2.0 as a windows service.
Install emqttd serivce:
bin\emqttd install
Start emqttd serivce:
bin\emqttd start
Stop emqttd serivce:
bin\emqttd stop
Uninstall emqttd service:
bin\emqttd uninstall
Install via Docker Image¶
Download EMQ 2.0 Docker Image:
unzip emqttd-docker image:
Load Docker Image:
docker load < emqttd-docker-v2.0
Run the Container:
docker run -tid --name emq20 -p 1883:1883 -p 8083:8083 -p 8883:8883 -p 8084:8084 -p 18083:18083 emqttd-docker-v2.0
Stop the broker:
docker stop emq20
Start the broker:
docker start emq20
Enter the running container:
docker exec -it emq20 /bin/sh
Installing From Source¶
The EMQ broker requires Erlang/OTP R20+ and git client to build:
Install Erlang:
Install Git Client:
Could use apt-get on Ubuntu, yum on CentOS/RedHat and brew on Mac to install Erlang and Git.
When all dependencies are ready, clone the emqttd project from and build:
git clone
cd emq-relx && make
cd _rel/emqttd && ./bin/emqttd console
The binary package output in folder:
Build on Windows¶
Install Erlang:
Install MSYS2:
Use pacman of MSYS2 to install git and make:
pacman -S git make
Clone and build the emq-relx project:
git clone -b windows
cd emqttd-relx && make
Start the EMQ in console mode:
cd _rel/emqttd && ./bin/emqttd console
TCP Ports Used¶
1883 | MQTT Port |
8883 | MQTT/SSL Port |
8083 | MQTT/WebSocket Port |
8084 | MQTT/WebSocket/SSL Port |
8080 | HTTP Management API Port |
18083 | Web Dashboard Port |
The TCP ports used can be configured in etc/emqttd.config:
## TCP Listener: 1883,, ::1:1883
listener.tcp.external =
## SSL Listener: 8883,, ::1:8883
listener.ssl.external = 8883
## External MQTT/WebSocket Listener = 8083
## HTTP Management API Listener
listener.api.mgmt =
The 18083 port is used by Web Dashboard of the broker. Default login: admin, Password: public
Quick Setup¶
Two main configuration files of the EMQ broker:
etc/emq.conf | EMQ Broker Config |
etc/plugins/*.conf | EMQ Plugins’ Config |
Two important parameters in etc/emq.conf:
node.process_limit | Max number of Erlang proccesses. A MQTT client consumes two proccesses. The value should be larger than max_clients * 2 |
node.max_ports | Max number of Erlang Ports. A MQTT client consumes one port. The value should be larger than max_clients. |
node.process_limit > maximum number of allowed concurrent clients * 2 node.max_ports > maximum number of allowed concurrent clients
The maximum number of allowed MQTT clients:
listener.tcp.external =
listener.tcp.external.acceptors = 8
listener.tcp.external.max_clients = 1024
# emqttd Startup script for emqttd.
# chkconfig: 2345 90 10
# description: emqttd is mqtt broker.
# source function library
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
# export HOME=/root
start() {
echo "starting emqttd..."
cd /opt/emqttd && ./bin/emqttd start
stop() {
echo "stopping emqttd..."
cd /opt/emqttd && ./bin/emqttd stop
restart() {
case "$1" in
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
chmod +x /etc/init.d/emqttd
chkconfig --add emqttd
chkconfig --list
boot test:
service emqttd start
## erlexec: HOME must be set uncomment ‘# export HOME=/root’ if “HOME must be set” error.