Get Started¶
EMQ (Erlang MQTT Broker) is an open source MQTT broker written in Erlang/OTP. Erlang/OTP is a concurrent, fault-tolerant, soft-realtime and distributed programming platform. MQTT is an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol powering IoT, M2M and Mobile applications.
The EMQ project is aimed to implement a scalable, distributed, extensible open-source MQTT broker for IoT, M2M and Mobile applications that hope to handle millions of concurrent MQTT clients.
Highlights of the EMQ broker:
- Full MQTT V3.1/3.1.1 Protocol Specifications Support
- Easy to Install - Quick Install on Linux, FreeBSD, Mac and Windows
- Massively scalable - Scaling to 1 million connections on a single server
- Cluster and Bridge Support
- Easy to extend - Hooks and plugins to customize or extend the broker
- Pluggable Authentication - LDAP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis Authentication Plugins
- Full MQTT V3.1/V3.1.1 protocol specification support
- QoS0, QoS1, QoS2 Publish and Subscribe
- Session Management and Offline Messages
- Retained Message
- Last Will Message
- TCP/SSL Connection
- MQTT Over WebSocket(SSL)
- HTTP Publish API
- STOMP protocol
- MQTT-SN Protocol
- CoAP Protocol
- STOMP over SockJS
- $SYS/# Topics
- ClientID Authentication
- IpAddress Authentication
- Username and Password Authentication
- Access control based on IpAddress, ClientID, Username
- Authentication with LDAP, Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL and HTTP API
- Cluster brokers on several servers
- Bridge brokers locally or remotely
- mosquitto, RSMB bridge
- Extensible architecture with Hooks, Modules and Plugins
- Passed eclipse paho interoperability tests
- Local subscription
- Shared subscription
Quick Start¶
Download and Install¶
The EMQ broker is cross-platform, which could be deployed on Linux, FreeBSD, Mac, Windows and even Raspberry Pi.
Download binary package from: /downloads.
Installing on Mac, for example:
unzip && cd emqttd
# Start emqttd
./bin/emqttd start
# Check Status
./bin/emqttd_ctl status
# Stop emqttd
./bin/emqttd stop
Installing from Source¶
The EMQ broker requires Erlang R18+ to build since 1.1 release.
git clone
cd emqttd && make rel
cd rel/emqttd && ./bin/emqttd console
Web Dashboard¶
A Web Dashboard will be loaded when the EMQ broker is started successfully.
The Dashboard helps check running status of the broker, monitor statistics and metrics of MQTT packets, query clients, sessions, topics and subscriptions.
Default Address | https://localhost:18083 |
Default User | admin |
Default Password | public |
The EMQ broker could be extended by Plugins. A plugin is an Erlang application that adds extra feature to the EMQ broker:
emq_retainer | Store Retained Messages |
emq_dashboard | Web Dashboard |
emq_modules | Presence, Subscription, Rewrite Modules |
emq_auth_clientid | Authentication with ClientId |
emq_auth_username | Authentication with Username and Password |
emq_plugin_template | Plugin template and demo |
emq_auth_ldap | LDAP Auth Plugin |
emq_auth_http | Authentication/ACL with HTTP API |
emq_auth_mysql | Authentication with MySQL |
emq_auth_pgsql | Authentication with PostgreSQL |
emq_auth_redis | Authentication with Redis |
emq_auth_mongo | Authentication with MongoDB |
emq_sn | MQTT-SN Protocol Plugin |
emq_coap | CoAP Protocol Plugin |
emq_stomp | STOMP Protocol Plugin |
emq_sockjs | SockJS(Stomp) Plugin |
emq_recon | Recon Plugin |
emq_reloader | Reloader Plugin |
A plugin could be enabled by ‘bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load’ command.
For example, enable ‘emq_auth_pgsql’ plugin:
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_pgsql
One Million Connections¶
Latest release of the EMQ broker is scaling to 1.3 million MQTT connections on a 12 Core, 32G CentOS server.
The emqttd broker only allows 512 concurrent connections by default, for ‘ulimit -n’ limit is 1024 on most platform.
We need tune the OS Kernel, TCP Stack, Erlang VM and emqttd broker for one million connections benchmark.
Linux Kernel Parameters¶
# 2M:
sysctl -w fs.file-max=2097152
sysctl -w fs.nr_open=2097152
echo 2097152 > /proc/sys/fs/nr_open
# 1M:
ulimit -n 1048576
TCP Stack Parameters¶
# backlog
sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=65536
Erlang VM¶
## Erlang Process Limit
node.process_limit = 2097152
## Sets the maximum number of simultaneously existing ports for this system
node.max_ports = 1048576
Max Allowed Connections¶
emqttd/etc/emq.conf ‘listeners’:
## Size of acceptor pool
listener.tcp.acceptors = 64
## Maximum number of concurrent clients
listener.tcp.max_clients = 1000000
Test Client¶
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="500 65535"
echo 1000000 > /proc/sys/fs/nr_open
ulimit -n 100000
MQTT Client Libraries¶
emqttc | Erlang MQTT Client |
emqtt_benchmark | MQTT benchmark Tool |
CocoaMQTT | Swift MQTT Client |
QMQTT | QT MQTT Client |
Eclipse Paho: