
The main configuration files of the EMQ broker are under ‘etc/’ folder:

File Description
etc/emq.conf EMQ 2.0 Configuration File
etc/acl.conf The default ACL File
etc/plugins/*.conf Config Files of Plugins

EMQ 2.0 Config Syntax

The EMQ 2.0-rc.2 release integrated with cuttlefish library, and adopted a more user-friendly k = v syntax for configuration file:

## Node name = emqttd@
## Max ClientId Length Allowed.
mqtt.max_clientid_len = 1024

The configuration files will be preprocessed and translated to Erlang app.config before the EMQ broker started:

----------------------                                          2.0/schema/*.schema      -------------------
| etc/emq.conf       |                   -----------------              \|/              | data/app.config |
|       +            | --> mergeconf --> | data/app.conf | -->  cuttlefish generate  --> |                 |
| etc/plugins/*.conf |                   -----------------                               | data/vm.args    |
----------------------                                                                   -------------------

OS Environment Variables

EMQ_NODE_NAME Erlang node name
EMQ_NODE_COOKIE Cookie for distributed erlang node
EMQ_MAX_PORTS Maximum number of opened sockets
EMQ_TCP_PORT MQTT TCP Listener Port, Default: 1883
EMQ_SSL_PORT MQTT SSL Listener Port, Default: 8883
EMQ_WS_PORT MQTT/WebSocket Port, Default: 8083
EMQ_WSS_PORT MQTT/WebSocket/SSL Port, Default: 8084

EMQ Cluster

Cluster Name

## Cluster name = emqcl

Cluster Discovery

## Cluster discovery strategy: manual | static | mcast | dns | etcd | k8s
cluster.discovery = manual

Cluster Autoheal

## Cluster Autoheal: on | off
cluster.autoheal = on

Cluster Autoclean

## Clean down node of the cluster
cluster.autoclean = 5m

EMQ Autodiscovery Strategy

EMQ R2.3 supports node discovery and autocluster with various strategies:

Strategy Description
static Autocluster by static node list
mcast Autocluster by UDP Multicast
dns Autocluster by DNS A Record
etcd Autocluster using etcd
k8s Autocluster on Kubernetes

Autocluster by static node list

cluster.discovery = static

## Cluster with static node list

cluster.static.seeds = emq1@,ekka2@

Autocluster by IP Multicast

cluster.discovery = mcast

## Cluster with multicast

cluster.mcast.addr =

cluster.mcast.ports = 4369,4370

cluster.mcast.iface =

cluster.mcast.ttl = 255

cluster.mcast.loop = on

Autocluster by DNS A Record

cluster.discovery = dns

## Cluster with DNS = localhost  = ekka

Autocluster using etcd

cluster.discovery = etcd

## Cluster with Etcd

cluster.etcd.server =

cluster.etcd.prefix = emqcl

cluster.etcd.node_ttl = 1m

Autocluster on Kubernetes

cluster.discovery = k8s

## Cluster with k8s

cluster.k8s.apiserver =

cluster.k8s.service_name = ekka

## Address Type: ip | dns
cluster.k8s.address_type = ip

## The Erlang application name
cluster.k8s.app_name = ekka

Erlang Distributed Protocol

## Specify the erlang distributed protocol.
## Value: Enum
##  - inet_tcp: the default; handles TCP streams with IPv4 addressing.
##  - inet6_tcp: handles TCP with IPv6 addressing.
##  - inet_tls: using TLS for Erlang Distribution.
## vm.args: -proto_dist inet_tcp
node.proto_dist = inet_tcp

## Specify SSL Options in the file if using SSL for Erlang Distribution.
## Value: File
## vm.args: -ssl_dist_optfile <File>
## node.ssl_dist_optfile = {{ platform_etc_dir }}/ssl_dist.conf

Erlang VM Arguments

Configure and Optimize Erlang VM:

## SMP support: enable, auto, disable
node.smp = auto

## Enable kernel poll
node.kernel_poll = on

## async thread pool
node.async_threads = 32

## Erlang Process Limit
node.process_limit = 256000

## Sets the maximum number of simultaneously existing ports for this system
node.max_ports = 65536

## Set the distribution buffer busy limit (dist_buf_busy_limit)
node.dist_buffer_size = 32MB

## Max ETS Tables.
## Note that mnesia and SSL will create temporary ets tables.
node.max_ets_tables = 256000

## Tweak GC to run more often
node.fullsweep_after = 1000

## Crash dump
node.crash_dump = log/crash.dump

## Distributed node ticktime
node.dist_net_ticktime = 60

## Distributed node port range
## node.dist_listen_min = 6000
## node.dist_listen_max = 6999

The two most important parameters for Erlang VM:

node.process_limit Max number of Erlang proccesses. A MQTT client consumes two proccesses. The value should be larger than max_clients * 2
node.max_ports Max number of Erlang Ports. A MQTT client consumes one port. The value should be larger than max_clients.

Log Level and File

Console Log

## Console log. Enum: off, file, console, both
log.console = console

## Console log level. Enum: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency
log.console.level = error

## Console log file
## log.console.file = log/console.log

Error Log

## Error log file
log.error.file = log/error.log

Crash Log

## Enable the crash log. Enum: on, off
log.crash = on

log.crash.file = log/crash.log


## Syslog. Enum: on, off
log.syslog = on

##  syslog level. Enum: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency
log.syslog.level = error

MQTT Protocol Parameters

Maximum ClientId Length

## Max ClientId Length Allowed.
mqtt.max_clientid_len = 1024

Maximum Packet Size

## Max Packet Size Allowed, 64K by default.
mqtt.max_packet_size = 64KB

MQTT Client Idle Timeout

## Client Idle Timeout (Second)
mqtt.client.idle_timeout = 30

Enable Per Client Statistics

## Enable client Stats: on | off
mqtt.client.enable_stats = off

Force GC Count

## Force GC: integer. Value 0 disabled the Force GC.
mqtt.conn.force_gc_count = 100

Allow Anonymous and ACL File

Allow Anonymous

## Allow Anonymous authentication
mqtt.allow_anonymous = true

Default ACL File

Enable the default ACL module:

## ACL nomatch
mqtt.acl_nomatch = allow

## Default ACL File
mqtt.acl_file = etc/acl.conf

Define ACL rules in etc/acl.conf. The rules by default:

%% Allow 'dashboard' to subscribe '$SYS/#'
{allow, {user, "dashboard"}, subscribe, ["$SYS/#"]}.

%% Allow clients from localhost to subscribe any topics
{allow, {ipaddr, ""}, pubsub, ["$SYS/#", "#"]}.

%% Deny clients to subscribe '$SYS#' and '#'
{deny, all, subscribe, ["$SYS/#", {eq, "#"}]}.

%% Allow all by default
{allow, all}.

An ACL rule is an Erlang tuple. The Access control module of EMQ broker matches the rule one by one from top to bottom:

          ---------              ---------              ---------
Client -> | Rule1 | --nomatch--> | Rule2 | --nomatch--> | Rule3 | --> Default
          ---------              ---------              ---------
              |                      |                      |
            match                  match                  match
             \|/                    \|/                    \|/
        allow | deny           allow | deny           allow | deny

MQTT Session Parameters

## Upgrade QoS?
mqtt.session.upgrade_qos = off

## Max number of QoS 1 and 2 messages that can be “inflight” at one time.
## 0 means no limit
mqtt.session.max_inflight = 32

## Retry Interval for redelivering QoS1/2 messages.
mqtt.session.retry_interval = 20s

## Max Packets that Awaiting PUBREL, 0 means no limit
mqtt.session.max_awaiting_rel = 100

## Awaiting PUBREL Timeout
mqtt.session.await_rel_timeout = 20s

## Enable Statistics: on | off
mqtt.session.enable_stats = off

## Expired after 1 day:
## w - week
## d - day
## h - hour
## m - minute
## s - second
mqtt.session.expiry_interval = 2h
session.upgrade_qos Upgrade QoS according to the subscription
session.max_inflight Max number of QoS1/2 messages that can be delivered at the same time
session.retry_interval Retry interval for unacked QoS1/2 messages.
session.await_rel_timeout Awaiting PUBREL Timeout
session.max_awaiting_rel Max number of Packets that Awaiting PUBREL
session.enable_stats Interval of Statistics Collection
session.expiry_interval Session expiry interval

MQTT Message Queue

The message queue of session stores:

  1. Offline messages for persistent session.
  2. Pending messages for inflight window is full

Queue parameters:

## Type: simple | priority
mqtt.mqueue.type = simple

## Topic Priority: 0~255, Default is 0
## mqtt.mqueue.priority = topic/1=10,topic/2=8

## Max queue length. Enqueued messages when persistent client disconnected,
## or inflight window is full.
mqtt.mqueue.max_length = infinity

## Low-water mark of queued messages
mqtt.mqueue.low_watermark = 20%

## High-water mark of queued messages
mqtt.mqueue.high_watermark = 60%

## Queue Qos0 messages?
mqtt.mqueue.qos0 = true
mqueue.type Queue type: simple or priority
mqueue.priority Topic priority
mqueue.max_length Max Queue size, infinity means no limit
mqueue.low_watermark Low watermark
mqueue.high_watermark High watermark
mqueue.qos0 If Qos0 message queued?

Sys Interval of Broker

## System Interval of publishing broker $SYS Messages = 60s

PubSub Parameters

## PubSub Pool Size. Default should be scheduler numbers.
mqtt.pubsub.pool_size = 8

mqtt.pubsub.by_clientid = true

##TODO: Subscribe Asynchronously
mqtt.pubsub.async = true

MQTT Bridge Parameters

## Bridge Queue Size
mqtt.bridge.max_queue_len = 10000

## Ping Interval of bridge node. Unit: Second
mqtt.bridge.ping_down_interval = 1s

Plugins’ Etc Folder

## Dir of plugins' config
mqtt.plugins.etc_dir = etc/plugins/

## File to store loaded plugin names.
mqtt.plugins.loaded_file = data/loaded_plugins

MQTT Listeners

Configure the TCP listeners for MQTT, MQTT/SSL, MQTT/WS, MQTT/WSS Protocols.

The most important parameter for MQTT listener is max_clients: max concurrent clients allowed.

The TCP Ports occupied by the EMQ broker by default:

1883 MQTT Port
8883 MQTT/SSL Port
8083 MQTT/WebSocket Port
8084 MQTT/WebSocket/SSL
8080 HTTP Management API

Listener Parameters:

listener.tcp.${name}.acceptors TCP Acceptor Pool
listener.tcp.${name}.max_clients Maximum number of concurrent TCP connections allowed
listener.tcp.${name}.rate_limit Maximum number of concurrent TCP connections allowed

MQTT/TCP Listener - 1883

EMQ 2.2 supports to configure multiple MQTT listeners.

## External TCP Listener

## External TCP Listener: 1883,, ::1:1883
listener.tcp.external =

## Size of acceptor pool
listener.tcp.external.acceptors = 16

## Maximum number of concurrent clients
listener.tcp.external.max_clients = 102400

#listener.tcp.external.mountpoint = external/

## Rate Limit. Format is 'burst,rate', Unit is KB/Sec
#listener.tcp.external.rate_limit = 100,10

#listener.tcp.external.access.1 = allow

listener.tcp.external.access.2 = allow all

## Proxy Protocol V1/2
## listener.tcp.external.proxy_protocol = on
## listener.tcp.external.proxy_protocol_timeout = 3s

## TCP Socket Options
listener.tcp.external.backlog = 1024

#listener.tcp.external.recbuf = 4KB

#listener.tcp.external.sndbuf = 4KB

listener.tcp.external.buffer = 4KB

listener.tcp.external.nodelay = true

## Internal TCP Listener

## Internal TCP Listener: 11883,, ::1:11883
listener.tcp.internal =

## Size of acceptor pool
listener.tcp.internal.acceptors = 16

## Maximum number of concurrent clients
listener.tcp.internal.max_clients = 102400

#listener.tcp.external.mountpoint = internal/

## Rate Limit. Format is 'burst,rate', Unit is KB/Sec
## listener.tcp.internal.rate_limit = 1000,100

## TCP Socket Options
listener.tcp.internal.backlog = 512

listener.tcp.internal.tune_buffer = on

listener.tcp.internal.buffer = 1MB

listener.tcp.internal.recbuf = 4KB

listener.tcp.internal.sndbuf = 1MB

listener.tcp.internal.nodelay = true

MQTT/SSL Listener - 8883

## External SSL Listener
listener.ssl.external = 8883

## Size of acceptor pool
listener.ssl.external.acceptors = 16

## Maximum number of concurrent clients
listener.ssl.external.max_clients = 1024

## listener.ssl.external.mountpoint = inbound/

## Rate Limit. Format is 'burst,rate', Unit is KB/Sec
## listener.ssl.external.rate_limit = 100,10

## Proxy Protocol V1/2
## listener.ssl.external.proxy_protocol = on
## listener.ssl.external.proxy_protocol_timeout = 3s

listener.ssl.external.access.1 = allow all

## SSL Options
listener.ssl.external.handshake_timeout = 15
listener.ssl.external.keyfile = etc/certs/key.pem
listener.ssl.external.certfile = etc/certs/cert.pem
## listener.ssl.external.cacertfile = etc/certs/cacert.pem
## listener.ssl.external.verify = verify_peer
## listener.ssl.external.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true

MQTT/WebSocket Listener - 8083

## External MQTT/WebSocket Listener = 8083 = 4 = 64 = allow all

MQTT/Websocket/SSL Listener - 8084

## External MQTT/WebSocket/SSL Listener

listener.wss.external = 8084

listener.wss.external.acceptors = 4

listener.wss.external.max_clients = 64

listener.wss.external.access.1 = allow all

## SSL Options
listener.wss.external.handshake_timeout = 15s

listener.wss.external.keyfile = {{ platform_etc_dir }}/certs/key.pem

listener.wss.external.certfile = {{ platform_etc_dir }}/certs/cert.pem

## listener.wss.external.cacertfile = {{ platform_etc_dir }}/certs/cacert.pem

## listener.wss.external.verify = verify_peer

## listener.wss.external.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true

HTTP API Listener - 8080

## HTTP Management API Listener

listener.api.mgmt =

listener.api.mgmt.acceptors = 4

listener.api.mgmt.max_clients = 64

listener.api.mgmt.access.1 = allow all

System Monitor

## Long GC, don't monitor in production mode for:
sysmon.long_gc = false

## Long Schedule(ms)
sysmon.long_schedule = 240

## 8M words. 32MB on 32-bit VM, 64MB on 64-bit VM.
sysmon.large_heap = 8MB

## Busy Port
sysmon.busy_port = false

## Busy Dist Port
sysmon.busy_dist_port = true

Plugin Configuration Files

File Description
etc/plugins/emq_auth_username.conf Username/Password Auth Plugin
etc/plugins/emq_auth_clientid.conf ClientId Auth Plugin
etc/plugins/emq_auth_http.conf HTTP Auth/ACL Plugin Config
etc/plugins/emq_auth_mongo.conf MongoDB Auth/ACL Plugin Config
etc/plugins/emq_auth_mysql.conf MySQL Auth/ACL Plugin Config
etc/plugins/emq_auth_pgsql.conf Postgre Auth/ACL Plugin Config
etc/plugins/emq_auth_redis.conf Redis Auth/ACL Plugin Config
etc/plugins/emq_coap.conf CoAP Protocol Plugin Config
etc/plugins/emq_mod_presence.conf Presence Module Config
etc/plugins/emq_mod_retainer.conf Retainer Module Config
etc/plugins/emq_mod_rewrite.config Rewrite Module Config
etc/plugins/emq_mod_subscription.conf Subscription Module Config
etc/plugins/emq_web_hook.conf Web Hook Plugin
etc/plugins/emq_lua_hook.conf Lua Hook Plugin
etc/plugins/emq_dashboard.conf Dashboard Plugin Config
etc/plugins/emq_plugin_template.conf Template Plugin Config
etc/plugins/emq_recon.conf Recon Plugin Config
etc/plugins/emq_reloader.conf Reloader Plugin Config
etc/plugins/emq_sn.conf MQTT-SN Protocal Plugin Config
etc/plugins/emq_stomp.conf Stomp Protocl Plugin Config