emqttd - Erlang MQTT Broker

emqttd(Erlang MQTT Broker) is a massively scalable and clusterable MQTT V3.1/V3.1.1 broker written in Erlang/OTP.

emqttd is fully open source and licensed under the Apache Version 2.0. emqttd implements both MQTT V3.1 and V3.1.1 protocol specifications, and supports WebSocket, STOMP, SockJS, CoAP and MQTT-SN at the same time.

Latest release of the emqttd broker is scaling to 1.3 million MQTT connections on a 12 Core, 32G CentOS server.


The emqttd project provides a scalable, enterprise grade, extensible open-source MQTT broker for IoT, M2M, Smart Hardware, Mobile Messaging and HTML5 Web Messaging Applications.

Sensors, Mobiles, Web Browsers and Application Servers could be connected by emqttd brokers with asynchronous PUB/SUB MQTT messages.

Downloads: /downloads
GitHub: https://github.com/emqtt
Twitter: @emqtt
Forum: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/emqtt
Mailing List: emqtt@googlegroups.com
Author: Feng Lee <feng@emqtt.io>


MQTT-SN,CoAP Protocols are planned to 1.x release.



Apache License Version 2.0